Thursday, 3 January 2019

Sports Questions and Answers Set 1

Sports Questions and Answers Set 1

Sports Quiz, Sports GK, All latest Sports related Questions and Answers for Competitive Examinations.

1. Which country will host Cricket World Cup 2019?
Answer 👉 England and Wales
[from 30May to 14th July 2019]

 2. How many rings are there on the Olympic flag?
Answer 👉 5
[The rings are five Interlocking rings, coloured Blue, Yellow, Black, Green and Red to represent the five continents the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.]
Olympic flag colours are
Olympic Flag Rings

3. Westchester Cup belongs to?
Answer 👉 Polo
[Polo is a horseback mounted team sport and it's known as the Sport of Kings]

4. Archery is the national sport of which country?
Answer 👉 Bhutan

5. How many number of players in one team of Kho Kho?
Answer 👉 9
[Kho kho traditional Indian Sport, 12 players per side 9 in the field and 3 extra]
Traditional Indian Sport
Kho Kho sport

6. When was the first World Cup played?
Answer ðŸ‘‰ 1930
[In 1930 FIFA organised the first World Cup series]

7. National sports of India?
Answer 👉 Hockey

8. The captain of a curling team is called:
Answer 👉 Skip
[Curling played on Ice]
Skip , ice game
Curling game

9. Where was the first Asian Games held?
Answer 👉 Delhi in 1951
[Asian Games is a continental multi sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia]
First Asian game
Asian Game logo

10. How many points is required for a win in association croquet?
Answer 👉 26
[Association Croquet is a game between sides of one or two players each]

11. Who has been named the World's best player at the inaugural best FIFA football awards 2016 in Zurich Switzerland?
Answer 👉 Cristiano Ronaldo
[Cristiano Ronaldo plays as a forward for Italian Club Juventus and Captains the Portugal National Team]
Cristiano Ronaldo

12. In what year was the first World Cup of cricket held?
Answer 👉 1975
[In 1975 the first World Cup of Cricket was played in England]

13. Which football player has been voted as the best playmaker in the world for 2016?
Answer 👉 Lionel Messi
[Lionel Messi plays as a Forward and Captains both Barcelona and Argentina National Team]
Lionel Messi

14. What is a golf ball made of?
Answer 👉 Rubber
[A golf ball is made mostly of Rubber and has a thin Plastic cover]

15. Eden Gardens Cricket stadium as in?
Answer 👉 Kolkata
[Established in 1864]
Eden Gardens

16. Who invented basketball?
Answer 👉 James Naismith
[A teacher at YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts]
Basketball invented
James Naismith

17. Which sports belongs to Canada Cup?
Answer 👉 Golf

18. How many players are on a side in international cricket matches?
Answer 👉 11
[International cricket matches are of three types Test, One-day and 20/20]

19. Naidu Cup belongs to which game?
Answer 👉 Chess
[Chess is a Two player strategy board game played on a chessboard ( 64 squares & 8×8 grid)]
Naidu Cup

20. What is the date of the first known Olympic Games?
Answer 👉 776 BCE

21. The distance of a marathon run is?
Answer 👉 26 miles 385 yards
[42.195 kilometres]
Marathon Run
22. What country hosted the 2006 FIFA World Cup?
Answer 👉 Germany
[The winner was Italy]

23. What player was the first to win five straight Wimbledon tennis titles?
Answer 👉 Bjorn Borg
World no one tennis player
Bjorn Borg
24. What is the National sports of China?
Answer 👉 Table Tennis
[Also known as Ping-Pong]

25. Which country was golf invented?
Answer 👉 Scotland

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