Saturday, 5 January 2019

Geography & Nature Questions and Answers Set 1

Geography & Nature Questions and Answers Set 1

1. Which city is also known as "The Eternal City"?
Answer 👉 Rome
[Rome also known as Caput Mundi (Capital of The World), Throne of St. Peter]

2. In which continent is the world's longest river "The Nile"?
Answer 👉 Africa
[Length 6853 Km]

3. What is the capital of Libya?
Answer 👉 Tripoli
[Libya is the 16th largest country in the world]

4. In which country would you be if you were visiting "The Taj Mahal"?
Answer 👉 India
[Shah Jahan built for Mumtaz]
Taj Mahal

5. A part from Dutch and French what is the other official language of Belgium?
Answer 👉 Garman
[Belgium, capital is Brussels]

6. Which river flows through Glasgow?
Answer 👉 Clyde
[Glasgow is the most populous city in Scotland and 3rd most populous city in The UK]
Clyde River in Glasgow

7. Which island would you visit to kiss "The Blarney Stone"?
Answer 👉 Ireland
[According to legend kissing the stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab]

8. In which mountain range would you find "The Mount Everest"?
Answer 👉 Himalayas
[Mount Everest elevation 8848 m & also known as Sagarmatha, Chomolungma]
Mount Everest

9. What's the world's biggest port?
Answer 👉 Port of Shanghai

10. Which island to the south india used to be called "Ceylon"?
Answer 👉 Sri Lankan

11. What is the longest river flowing in The India?
Answer 👉 Gange
[Length 2525 Km]

12. A Sabra is the native of which country?
Answer 👉 Israel

13. In which country is "The Yellow River", also known as Huang He?
Answer 👉 China
[It's length 5464 Km & also known as Huang He]

14. Kathmandu is the capital city of which country?
Answer 👉 Nepal

15. Which river flows through Paris?
Answer 👉 River Seine

16. In which US State is "The Harvard University"?
Answer 👉 Massachusetts
[Established in 1636 & Students 22000]
Harvard University

17. Which country name could be part of a Christmas Dinner?
Answer 👉 Turkey

18. The Maritime Alps run along the between which two countries?
Answer 👉 France and Italy

19. Sofia is the capital of which country?
Answer 👉 Bulgaria

20. Which European country shares it's border with the most Neighbours?
Answer 👉 Germany

21. Which ocean lies between The Europe and America?
Answer 👉 Atlantic

22. What colour is the Spot in the middle of Japanese flag?
Answer 👉 Red
[Know as Hinomaru(circle of the Sun)]
Japanese Flag

23. Riga is the capital of which European country?
Answer 👉 Latvia

24. What is Europe's largest port?
Answer 👉 Port of Rotterdam

25. Which country has four latters the last one "q"?
Answer 👉 Iraq

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